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refinding faith

returning to one's true nature – where everything begins and ends. worry, anxiety, stress, depression, doubt, confusion – all can be cut out at the source.

finding the roots, uprooting the plants, and using this as fertilizer for thoughts of growth, of expansion.

using these blockages as stepping stones instead of blocks on the road. 

lovingly guiding each other back home - back to our hearts.

through ritual, through prayer, through conscious conversation – long forgotten or put aside.

how do we honor this life we were gifted?

resting into faith; remembering the ephemeral nature of life;

experiencing our inherent goodness; our inherent purity; our inherent kindness


same beliefs, different languages

my offering to you is to go on an adventure within your own self;

 exploring your own definition of the divine - your unique connection to source. 

everything is already within you -

there is just a little undusting to do; a little digging to unveil the hidden wonders of your soul;

how it translates divinity.

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