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youth immersions

for jaded kids

Roaming around the world opened my eyes to its beauty - and made me realize how incredibly blessed I was to have been born in a first world country and in my own family setting. It would have been hard to seize the gift my parents offered me with this life if it wasn't from having seen and experienced harsher life conditions. These experiences also gave me a desire to give back and enhance the basic living conditions of the less fortunate, giving me a greater sense of purpose navigating life.


hence why i feel called to hold space for teens to experience these blessings too. this world is too wide, too bright to remain confined within its tiny little american borders. with supervision and guidance towards pushing our limits and stepping out of the comfortable, beyond what we know to remain humble, grateful students of the living world. 


upcoming trips

send your kids with me to make them a little less jaded



papua new guinea

- 1 week trip through the desert -

meeting its tribes and surfing empty rights

included - 7 nights accommodation in berber camps - all meals - surf guiding with locals - translation - lifetime memories

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